wall mounted AC unit

We all love the comforting embrace of a cool home or office, especially in the sweltering Barbadian heat. But how can you tell if your wall air conditioning unit needs an upgrade? Here are four telltale signs from the experts at Fiberpol!

wall mounted AC

Inconsistent Cooling Patterns

If you notice that some rooms are cooler than others, or the wall air conditioner just doesn’t seem to be working as efficiently as it once did, it might be time for an upgrade. Uneven cooling can be a sign that your unit is struggling to maintain a consistent temperature, which can lead to increased energy bills.

high energy bill

Rising Energy Bills

Speaking of energy bills, if you’ve noticed a steady climb in your monthly costs, it might be due to an outdated or inefficient air conditioning system. Modern units, like Fiberpol’s Streamline brand, are designed with efficiency in mind, ensuring optimal cooling without burning a hole in your pocket.

AC unit repair

Frequent Repairs Needed

An obvious sign that your unit is on its last legs is if you find yourself frequently calling for repairs. Over time, even the best air conditioner units can wear out. If you’re spending more on repairs than you would on a new unit, it’s a clear indication that it’s time for an air conditioning installation upgrade.

outdated AC unit

The Unit is Over 10 Years Old

Like all appliances, wall air conditioning units have a lifespan. If yours is over a decade old, even if it seems to be working fine, it might not be running as efficiently as newer models. Consider investing in the latest technology for better performance and energy savings.

At Fiberpol, we’ve been serving Barbados with our premier Streamline brand of Air-Conditioning for over seven years. Noted for its exceptional quality and service, Streamline has become a household name in Barbados. If you’ve noticed any of the above signs, or if you simply want to explore the best air conditioner options available, contact us. With Fiberpol, you’re not just getting a product; you’re investing in a promise of quality, reliability, and unmatched service. Contact us online or visit our showroom today to learn more!

Learn More About Our Streamline AC Units